
Showing posts from June, 2017
               HACKS TO FEEL FULLER WHEN YOU EAT       We can't deny the fact that it can be really difficult to control portion sizes when we eat, especially when the food is super delicious. Those of us in the fitness world can attest that to see better results we have to eat in moderation. But the truth is, most people never get satisfied eating small quantity of foods and that's where this post comes in as an aid. Below, are a few hacks to make you feel fuller when you eat;   Use smaller plates ; When you serve a small quantity of food in a big plate, the brain automatically concludes that you won't be satisfied(i.e if you eat voluminously) but when you transfer same quantity of food to a smaller plate, it looks big enough to the eyes thereby alerting the brain that you have a lot to eat. You will end up feeling satisfied.   Eat Slowly ; It takes the brain about 20 minutes to realize you're satisfied so try using a fork or chopsticks when you eat and chew f
KILLER 15 MINUTES ABS WORKOUT  AT HOME (HIIT    VERSION) Some people get bored easily when it comes to working out. Well that's because they tend to repeat the same workout day in day out. Personally, i like to switch things up every week or every few days which makes me to always look forward to workout.     This HIIT workout is divided into 2 Circuits with 4 different exercises in each. You'll perform each exercise for 30 seconds without any rest until all 4 exercises are completed. Repeat each circuit 3 times and take 30 seconds rest just before you repeat it the 2nd time and another 30 seconds rest before the 3rd repetition. Now once you're done with circuit 1, rest for 1 minute before beginning circuit 2. Repeat the steps in circuit 1. D'accord?? D'accord.     Circuit 1 Leg raises (30 secs) Scissor kicks (30 secs) Reverse crunches (30 secs) Bicycle crunches (30 secs)   Repeat 2 more times with 30 seconds rest between each repetition.           TAK
10 MINUTES FULL BODY HIIT WORKOUT YOU CAN DO ANYWHERE Hello fitties 👋! No time to do your normal 1 hour workout at the gym or at home? Well that's actually you telling yourself a LIE because no matter how busy you are, there are people busier than you who still squeeze in some workouts before leaving the house. Here's a list of exercises you can do in just 10 minutes to get yourself set for the day, plus you don't need any equipment whatsoever besides your body. Do each move for 45 seconds, rest for 15 seconds before going onto the next workout. Jumping Jacks Shoulder taps High knees on spot jog Commandos Jumping lunges Burpees Bicycle Crunches  Reverse Lunges to high Knees Sumo Squat touch down and V-ups ⏩ Google is your friend so don't be shy to ask her on the workout you don't get 😊         Be sure to let me know when you try it plus this exercises will definitely get you cursing me while you're at it because i keep cursing myself when i