Flabby arms a.k.a AKA CHRISTIAN MOTHER 😜 is pretty common amongst people (male and female) so if you've got one, you're not alone. If it makes you uncomfortable, you can definitely do something about it.
    What causes Flabby arms??
There are 2 major causes and they are;
 1. Accumulated fat around the arm.
 2. Loss in skin elasticity as one ages.

 Regardless of the reason for your flabby arm, there are a few moves you can do consistently to see results. The secret to getting your arms toned again is to perform exercises that work specifically for the arm area. It isn't just about loosing weight around the arm area because you can be slim and still have flabby arms.
 I find it necessary to loose weight before toning up because muscles on fat looks really weird 😏.
 Here are a few moves you can do CONSISTENTLY;
1. Tricep dips; This is at the top of the list for me. If you want to stick to just this particular move and do it consistently then you're good to go. Find the video below.

2. Push ups; Yeah I know... everyone's worst exercise 😟. Well it's very very effective so if you can, squeeze in a few reps consistently. Video is together with the one above.
3. Battle ropes; If you have a gym access, make this exercise your fav. It works wonders!! There's a picture attached. Enjoy!

4. Tricep kickbacks; You really don't need a gym for this. You can fill a water can with water or sand and use at the comfort of your home.

 The exercises mentioned above are my top 4 to combat those flabby arms. Hope it goes a  long way in assisting. I must add that apart from the first video, the other pictures are not mine!! Cheers!! 👊👊


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