Are you new to fitness? these are the advices you shouldn't heed to;
1. To avoid carbohydrates
        First off, carbohydrates are energy giving foods. Without energy, how do you want to perform your activities for the day? I remember when i first started off my fitness journey, i was told to avoid all carbohydrates. I literally did that for months and what happened? I was always weak. I was obsessed with loosing as much weight as possible so i avoided carbs because i thought it will make me FAT 😂 ( that's probably the most stupid thing I've done 🙉 ). There are actually great sources of carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes, rice (preferably brown) , Bread (preferably whole-wheat) , oats etc. I must not forget to mention that white rice and white bread have been striped off their nutrients and will actually spike your blood sugar level thereby making you crave more unhealthy foods, so swap them for their healthier alternatives.
2. To skip breakfast
       This particular point makes me mad all the time. I mean why on earth will someone refuse to eat in the morning after hours of sleep? It's called 'BREAK'  Fast for a reason. Sleeping for 8-9 hrs is seen as though you've been fasting for that time frame, so you have to literally 'BREAK' the fast by eating something. That aside, starting your day with a balanced meal goes a long way in shaping how the rest of your day will be (in the aspect of the foods you'll consume for the rest of the day).
       In conclusion, my advice will be to take it one day at a time, eat balanced meals, eat in moderation, drink lots of water daily, put in your best every singe day, have treats when necessary (i have my treats twice a week 😉), have enough sleep at night (8-9hrs), have your fruits and vegetables and live life (don't spend 95% of your life trying to weigh 5% less; have fun when you can 🙌🙌 ).


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