This is a major barrier for most people i have come across. They feel like without a gym, they cannot achieve their weight loss goal thus they get discouraged even before they begin. Their major challenge about the gym happens to be the fee involved.
  Personally, the gym gives me more motivation to workout as well as provides me with different variety of equipments to workout with but i also know that it is not every time i get access to a gym so that should not stop me from exercising 👊👊.
  This is where ''Home Exercises'' comes to play. It is a great feeling to know that you can still hit your fitness goals whether you have access to a gym or not. There are a lot of home exercises you can do whether your goal is weight loss or not ( this post is focused on weight loss).
  A lot of factors comes to play if you want to successfully workout from home. You have to mentally prepare yourself, always bring out the exercise wears the night before, have a dope playlist and plan the actual workout you intend doing each morning. Truth is. it is HARDER to workout from home which is why you need to be disciplined.

  Here are a list of exercises you can do from the comfort of your home with little to no equipments and still loose weight/body fat;

  • Skipping-
    This is the king of home exercises and excellent for weight loss. I must also add that it is entirely fun. You wont only loose weight, you will tone your arms and trim your tummy. Get you a skipping rope today 😊.
  • Jumping Jacks-
    This is a very Fantastic exercise. Start in a standing position and open both legs and arms at the same time then go back to starting position, that is one rep. Do as much as you can.With each move, you get to work your sides (tummy rolls), legs and the entire body. Absolutely no equipments required.
  • High Knees-
    This is great for the lower abdomen and legs. It is just like jogging only that you will stand on a particular spot and your knees will go really high. Try to brace your core whenever you work out.
  • Sprints-
    You can do this in your compound or on the stair case if you want it more intense. Do sprints( at least 80% of your capacity) for 30 secs and rest for 30secs in a space of 5 to 10 minutes. this is great for those that do not have much time to spend working out. It is one of the best exercises for fat loss but not muscle loss. That is to say you will loose fat but still be toned ( your bum bum will not vanish 😉).
  • Burpees-
    Everyone's worst exercise after push ups of course!😢 but it yields amazing results. Start in a standing position and go into a push up position like in the first pic on the left. Stand up like in the second pic and jump like the third. That is one rep. Repeat as much as you can. It works the enitire body and helps shed fat.
From the exercises mentioned above, none requires any equipment except the skipping rope. You don't need to be rich to stay fit. Use what you have and get to work. I must also state that the pictures used are not mine. I hope this post helps. Cheers💋.


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