I am going to make this post very brief and straight to the point ☺️.
   Most Nigerians who embark on a weight loss journey tend to completely avoid Nigerian foods because it is seen as been unhealthy for such course.
 Well truth is, it is unhealthy because;
 1. We put in too much of everything
 2. We overeat them.

If you can work on the above points, you'll still enjoy your regular naija meals without adding weight. That's a win win 😋😋.

For the first point, we can start by putting in less oil when we cook. A tbsp of oil has about 120 calories. Now imagine how you pour in alot of oil without knowing how much more calories you're consuming 🤦🏽‍♀️.

 Now to point 2, we do not know how to control our portion sizes. If you really want to loose weight on a naija diet, start by slashing your portion size. If you'd usually eat a full plate of rice, divide it in half and replace half of your plate with vegetables. You can also make a shift to smaller plates. The smaller the plate, the less likely you are to eat.

In conclusion, use less oil (oil is a major culprit in weight gain), control your portion size and take in more fruits and vegetables. You don't have to restrict yourself, just apply wisdom.

Thanks for reading 😘.


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